
Secure your Collections – Before Storm Season

No matter what kind of art and/or collectibles you’re drawn to – be they paintings, sculptures, antiques or any of the numerous other choices out there – you want to keep them pristine. But doing so in South Florida’s tropical climate presents special challenges – especially during storm season; however, there are severe storms every month.

Every serious collector should have a catastrophe plan outlining pre-disaster preparedness and post-disaster recovery.

In advance, select an emergency response team: art transport company, impregnable storm-proofed warehouse (ideally rated through Category 5 storms and with a generator 24/7-365 air-conditioning and not just in their offices but in the storage area where your art will be), art conservator, and contractor (to perform emergency repairs). Have both cell-phone and office numbers and put them on alert to pending storms. Each work or group of works should have strong, waterproof crates in all protective situations. When a hurricane watch is declared, activate your team plan; send the collection to safe storage before authorities issue mandatory evacuation orders. Alternatively, a fortified storm closet on premises offers the second-best protection for the crated collection. As an added bonus, the crates double for storage and moving.

Secure your premises as much as possible; heavy duty window and door shutters will protect against window failure, flying debris, and looters. Install hurricane straps to lash roofs to rafters and walls. Clips for Spanish tile roofs will keep tiles from becoming missiles. Good local contractors or your local building inspector will recommend specific upgrades.

After the storm, there may be no electricity or telephone service. Authorities will preempt cellular service for their emergency communications. We have found satellite phones to be useful. Physical access to your home may be virtually impossible for several days or several weeks. Return to your premises and begin recovery.

Photograph damage.

Post-disaster recovery, Do not wait for an insurance person to see the

damage. Freeze wet paper and books; place wet or humid paintings horizontally, face up, and do not move them from this position until your conservator has checked them. Use generator-powered, large electric floor fans to start drying your house.


Even if South Florida doesn’t experience a direct hit during storm season, your collection can still be vulnerable to the elements – unless you take certain steps to decrease that vulnerability. With the help of Gordon Lewis – senior vice president and director of The Fine Arts Conservancy in West Palm Beach, and author of The Fine Art Collector’s Guide for AXA Insurance – let’s briefly examine how to protect your collections:

Limit light. Light is the single most destructive environmental hazard. A new generation of ultraviolet (UV) filtering glass is available. Also, highly effective UV filtering films delete up to 99% + of UV rays.

Control humidity in your home. Frequently cycling air conditioning and other fluctuations in humidity create dimensional stress in hygroscopic materials: those which absorb and dissipate moisture in relation to their surrounding environment (paper, canvas, wood, ivory, leather, and textiles, etc.). The judicious use of air conditioning and dehumidifiers will help to slow the rate of dimensional change, easing the collection through atmospheric changes.

Don’t move large pieces by yourself: we see a considerable amount of damage when people, with good intentions, attempt to move pieces. Call an art-handler, they are trained.

To learn more about how you can best preserve and protect your paintings, paper valuables, wood pieces and furniture, textiles, metals, stone, outdoor sculptures, stone sculptures, metal sculptures, and microclimate frames and cases, call The Fine Arts Conservancy at 561-684-6133 or visit art-conservation.org.

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