Textile Restoration and Cleaning

Textile conservation or preservation and textile restoration are not the same thing. Restoration attempts to bring the artwork to some previous state the restorer believes to be original. Conservation is less concerned with preserving the artwork for the future rather than making it look unspoiled.

Works of art, particularly fabric or textiles are subject to a variety of disfiguring ills, many caused by environmental effects, changes in temperature and humidity, in particular, as well as wear. Art conservation and Art sculpture restoration is the preservation of structurally sound works of art by slowing or stopping altogether the processes that lead to the damage of works of art; as well as the repair of already damaged works of art.

Conservation can also involve the cleaning and stabilization of works of art. However, even cleaning is controversial as it is not a reversible process and some fear that cleaning a piece will damage it. Additionally, there are some that would argue that the residue or damage done to a piece of art is a part of its history and should not be “undone”.

Textile conservation devoted to the preservation of cultural property for the future. Conservation-focused activities could include examination, documentation, treatment, and preventive care and is supported by research and education.